Om We SeeQ

About us

We SeeQ

We SeeQ is a dedicated competence agency that seeks out and recognizes abilities in individuals that can contribute to development. By offering strategic advice and leadership development within our area of expertise, competence supply, we help you build a modern and sustainable organization.

We work with executive search, recruitment, interim management, and leadership development with a focus on managers, leaders, and other key positions.

With a qualified network of individuals in leadership roles and close dialogue with you as a client, candidate, or consultant, we take a proactive approach in our work and find the right expertise for every situation.

Our curiosity in meeting new people has given us a good understanding of various industries and markets, leading to creative discussions about development.

We strive to find the best solution and thereby contribute to successful, sustainable, and thriving organizations.


We value learning and embrace challenges.

Trust & Confidence

We believe in mutual respect and long-term relationships.


We are open and actively listen.

We SeeQ – IQ, EQ and SQ

In our work, we have the great privilege of contributing to change. It is our drive and passion to be part of the transformation in the development of individuals and organizations. We are genuinely curious about you as an individual, your motivations, your will, and your unique abilities. Additionally, we are interested in exploring the goals and visions pulsating within your organization.

We focus on emotional intelligence, EQ, when working on recruitment, evaluation, and development initiatives. EQ is about the ability to understand and manage emotions, both one’s own and others’, and to navigate smoothly through complex social relationships and interactions.

A well-developed EQ has a powerful and positive impact on a person’s life. It can be crucial for personal success, for developing strong leadership skills, and for promoting well-being. We are convinced that in the future we face, our emotional intelligence will be a key to achieving positive results and creating long-term and sustainable development for both groups and individuals.

We believe in the magic that arises in creative encounters and collaborations between people. It is precisely in these moments that we find the way forward and achieve the most beneficial results.

We are curious about you as an individual, your organization, and how you are tackling the challenges you face. We look forward to discussing development with you. Feel free to contact us!

"Change is never easy, but it is necessary for progress. We must be prepared to rethink and adapt to meet the challenges we face."

What can we do for you?

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